Sunday, August 11, 2013

"Looking back"

  For my looking back survey I interviewed my sister Nallely, I asked "What were the most important things you learned in highschool?" She replied "The most important thing I learned in highschool was learning how to create a resume and learning work ethics. Its important to me, because it really helped me on finding my first job and it also helped me how to act on a workplace. I learned that in english class." After that, I asked her "if you could travel back in time, what would you change in your own school behavior or in the school itself." She replied "If I could travel back in time I would take school more seriously, because I wouldn't do my homework sometimes and I would of liked to have better attendance too. Also I think that would of made my school experience better because I would of been able to attend prom night and grand night." Then, I asked her "what teacher did you learn the most from?" She replied "I learned more from my english teacher I dont remember her name, but she made sure we would all understand what she was talking about and if someone would not understand she would explain everything again." Finally, I asked "what advice would you give to a student to help him/her to have a great highschool experience?" she replied "I would advice the students to not be late to school make sure you're always there. Also, always pay attention in class do not goof around, because in long run it will only affect you. Make sure you always do your homework if you dont understand something in class ask for help its okay to ask for help."

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