Monday, December 9, 2013

"Mandela's Death Leaves South America without its Moral Center" article by: The New York Times/ Victor Aguirre p.5

After reading, I think that Mandela's death made a change in peoples thoughts and even some people life by looking up to him on how he made a change and stood out with his feelings to the world. After reading the article, I found it interesting that even by being kept in prison 27 years for being convicted of treason by the white minority government, he did that to forge a peaceful end to white rul by negotiating with his caprtors after his release in 1990. What really caught my attention was that even by doing this, he wasnt't in a very good health condition. Mandela was suffering Pneumonia and other lung ailments for a while and kept on being in & out of the hospital. Mandela served as president from 1994 to 199 and then retreated public life at the age of 85. I think that overall what he has been through, MAndelas life and actions did make a change in people and b doing this many aspired and beleived in him and in what he did.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Mandela's Death

   What I learned was that Nelson Mandela was the first black president of South Africa. That Mandela was a man that treated eveyone with respect and dignity, saddly President Jacob Zuma announced that Mr. Mandela died on thursday night at 8:50pm. "Mandela's family has sacrificed much and endured much so that our people could be free," he said. Many people, like Kate Reeves couldn't believe that he had died she lives in the same wealthy suburb where Mr. Mandela died.
The tragedy that hurt millions of people is the death of Mr.Nelson Mandela he was the president of South Africa and he spend 27 years of his life in prison fighting for equality this man was a great leader to lots of people and many of them are hurting and won't have a leader anymore because of his death .

Nelson Mandela 1918-2013

I think that Nelson Mandela was/is loved & respected by so many people of all ages, races & from all over the world. He must have had a big heart too, since he focused on charity causes in his early retirement years. I find it sad tho, how a man so sweet had to go through so much; being locked up for 27 years, & his son dying in 2005 because of AIDS. But he lived a long life, & he must be proud of his life, receiving his law degree from the University of the Witwatersrand, becoming South Africa's first black president, congratulating the victorious home team of the World Cup, having a 3rd marriage, having his 91st birthday declared international Mandela Day. Like, I would be pretty proud of myself if I were him. 

Nelson Mandela

People are shaken to hear the death of Nelson Mandela, a man who inspired many and revered by many as well. The reason for this is because he used every ounce if his being to bring peace to South Africa even after being thrown in prison for twenty-seven years charged with treason. He could have backed down or lashed out on the people responsible for his incarceration, but instead he moved forward still trying to achieve peace and the end of racial domination, doing so in a peaceful manner. He won the hearts of the nation before and while he was President of South Africa. He understood the common man unlike his predecessors and colleagues. His understanding and unwavering resolve is what got him the love, respect, and trust of many. Mandela has also been called a saint, although he denied the complement by saying he was, "not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying." Of course, others thought he was indeed a saint which is why his death was such a big deal. He will be missed and certainly not forgotten.

Mandela's death

   The most interesting thing I read on the short article of Madela's death was that he spent 27 years in prison . He was also the president of South Africa , for about 5 years . So many people looked up to him , and now that he passed away , a lot of people are hurt by it .


I think that it was sad how he got sent to prison for so long just because he was trying to have equal rights like everyone else. it sucks he had to die at a time when his country most needs him. he also served as president from 1994 to1999 to focus on helping kids and others.


What really caught my attention after reading this was that he was in jail for 27 years because he was trying to get equality. It's sad how he lived his life after he tried to help everyone. Another interesting fact was he was the first African American president in his country and won the novel peace price as well as president Obama.


After reading this article,  what I found interesting is that he spent 27 years in prison for making everything equally right and fighting for peace. He was the first black president in South Africa and and also won a noble peace prize. I thought he was a great person because he made a lot of things changed and he impacted a lot of peoples lives. What sucks is that he hasn't been seen since 2010. He was a great person and he will always be remembered.


After reading this i found it interesting that Mandela spent 27 years in prison, was the first black president in South Africa and won a Noble Peace Prize. Mr.Mandela sacrificed so much for his county just for his people to be free. Many people cried when they found out that Mr.Mandela died because he was like a father to them.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Mandela's Death Leaves South Africa Without Its Moral Center Reflection

What I think about this was very sad and very depressing because he was a peacemaker and was a prisoner for 27 years an still had a good attitude. He was like the Mocking Jay of South Africa, he made a movement and he made a change. Mr. Mandela was a very committed person because h e was the symbol of forgiveness over vengeance. Everybody in the nation was so shocked about the news and it made in shock too. He was a father to everyone he met and did respect everyone.  So, what I'm trying to say here is Rest In Peace Mr. Mandela and we will never forget him.

HW: Nelson Mandela

What really caught my attention was the fact that Mr.Mandela spent 27 years in prison and is now 95 years old. What I thought was really sad was that Mr.Mandela hasn't been seen in public since 2010 and is probably never going to have the chance to be out in public ever again because of him passing away. I believe his death impacted people's lives.

Arlene Lopez

After reading the article, i found it interesting that many people liked Nelson Mandela because he figthed for peace & was in jail for 27 years for defending his people. He was 95 years old , and the past 6 months he was in the hospital plenty of times. Nelson Mandela was the first president to be African American.

Friday, December 6, 2013

This week's homework assignment

1. Read the article on Nelson Mandela.
2. Write a response to the article. You can use any of the following sentence starters...
     a. After reading i think that....
     b. After reading the article, i found it interesting that.....
     c. What really caught my attention was....
     d. I think ...

Due Sunday at noon

Monday, November 11, 2013

The cask of amontillado this story is about revenge this story is about a man that had his riches stolen and is trying to get it back so amontillado truest totaled it back while his victim is drunk . Then he went down the baows and builds a wall and sets the man on fire while amontillado is taking back what was taken from him


<a href="" target="_blank">homework</a> by <a href="" target="_blank">paloma carrillo</a> on <a href='' target="_blank">GoAnimate</a><br/><iframe scrolling="no" allowTransparency="true" frameborder="0" width="400" height="258" src=""></iframe>

Marigolds Video

[ x ]



<a href="" target="_blank">homework </a> by <a href="" target="_blank">juanpartida123456</a> on <a href='' target="_blank">GoAnimate</a><br/><iframe scrolling="no" allowTransparency="true" frameborder="0" width="400" height="258" src=""></iframe>

Video , not that great :/

Struggles in life. Goanimate video by Victor Aguirre p5


Friday, November 8, 2013

The Raven & Incident in the Rose Garden

In " The Raven " By Edgar Allen Poe,  one larger role device that he uses is repetition; He uses it when the raven repeatedly says "Nevermore". 

In "The incident in the Rose Garden" By Edgar Allen Poe , situational irony is the larger role device that he uses. 

One fact about Edgar Allan Poe

"Edgar Allan had no money, no job skills, and had been shunned by John Allan. Edgar went to Boston and joined the U.S. Army in 1827. He was 18. He did reasonably well in the Army and attained the rank of sergeant major."


People say that bullying isn't a big deal; that it's just a stupid topic, that the bullying always ends up going away. Bullying never goes away, it's something that people always keep in mind. For instance, if a boy were to tell a girl "Nobody loves you, you're worthless." Sure, maybe she might act like she doesn't care, but those words will always haunt her. This picture shows how just the simplest words like "fat" can trigger someone to cut themselves or become suicidal. Most victims in the case of bullying usually end up committing/attempting suicide or they probably run away. Bullying is a big deal.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The raven

In "The Raven "" by Edgar Allan poe he uses analogies is the device that plays a larger role .He uses it when he says " from my books surcease of sorrow for lost Lenore it plays a large role because it repeats itself a lot but they change the words around .

That's it!

No more posts.
Thanks for doing your work on time!

Device for "The Raven" and "Incident in the Rose Garden"

In "The Raven" by Edgar Allen Poe, personification is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says, "Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he; But, with mien of lord or lady...(lines 39-40)." It plays a large role because by making the raven more human, the more real the raven became. Of course, ravens have no ability to speak as the one in the poem does, but  in the poem the raven is its own entity and the speaker treats it as such. In fact, the speaker is trying to figure out what exactly was the raven's angle, wether if it was from Heaven or Hell and what it wanted from him. The use of personification for the raven showed how much power it had over the man, (the speaker),  you see that while the poem progressed and watch as the man losses his sanity because of it. That's why personification plays a big role in the poem.

In "Incident in a Rose Garden", by Donald Justice, imagery plays a larger role. He uses it when he says, "And there stood Death in the garden, dressed like a Spanish waiter. He had the air of someone who, because he like arriving at all appointment early, learns to think themselves patient....(lines 20-25)." It plays a big role because it showed how the Master (the speaker) perceived just from looking at Death. Death's presence could have been plainly said and let the poem move on, but describing Death and his form takes you to the rose garden as if you were in the Master's place. It allows you to see the importance and how seeing Death was a big deal. Some say that one is nearing death you'd be able to see Death (or the Grimm Reaper) come after you. I think this is what the author was trying to convey in the poem when the speaker describes what he see's in the rose garden. 

Devices on the raven and incident in a rose garden

In "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe, internal conflict is the device that plays a large role. He uses it when he says,"sorrow for the lost Lenore." it plays a large role because it's saying how bad he misses his girlfriend.
In "the incedent in the rose garden" by Edgar Allan Poe, imagery is the device that plays a large role. He uses it when he says, "dressed like a Spanish watter being patient." It plays a large role because it shows how we can see his personality.

Device used in "The raven" and " The incident in the rose garden"

In "The Raven" by edgar allan poe .
Edgar uses rhythem meter this device plays a larger role. He uses it when he says, " once upon a midnight dreary, while i pondered, weak and weary." It plays a large role because  " the raven" is a lyric poem, witch often have specific rhythms. This device will also Keep the reader entertained. 

In " The incident in the Rose Garden" by Donald justice. Uses the device imagery that plays a lager role. He uses it when he says " and there stood  death in the garden, dress like a Spanish waiter." It plays a large role because imargery makes the reader to create and picture what a Spanish waiter standing in a garden would look like. 

Devices for "The Raven" and "The incident in the Rose Garden" - Victor Aguirre

In "The Raven" By Edgar Allan Poe, Rhythm, meter is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says, "Once upon a midnight dreary,while I pondered, weak, and weary." It plays a large role because it gives the reader a rhythm to read the poem in the way that rhythm goes. It also is important because a poem needs a rhythm in order to have a little thing that attracts the readers attention and most importantly he uses it to make rhythm with 16 syllables in each sentence.

In "The incident in the Rose Garden" By Edgar Allan Allan Poe, imagery is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says, "Dresses in a Spanish mater, being patient, while looking at the blooms." It plays a large role because it makes the reader "imagine" an image while he reads this quote or another quote throughout the poem. When the reader imagines a picture from the poem, it makes the poem more interesting and easier for the reader to image.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Narrative Elements of "The Raven" and "The Incident of the Rose Garden"

In "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe, speaker is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says, "sir,". . . . . "or madam, truly your forgiveness i implore; " It plays a large role because if he wasn't in there , there would be no story.

In "The Incident in the Rose Garden" by Donald Justice, imagery is the device that plays a large role. He uses it when he says, "And there stood death . . . . " It plays a large role because if there was no imagery there would be no point of the story and people wouldn"
't get what they're reading.
  In "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe , repetition is the device that plays a big role . He uses it when he says , "Quoth the Raven , "Nevermore" . It plays a big role because the Raven thinks that's his name .
   In "The Incident in the Rose Garden" by Donald Justice , facts is the device that plays a larger role . He uses it when he says , "Sir , you must have been a stranger , who my gardener this is my property sir I only welcome friends here" It plays a larger role because a lot of people say things like that , and they don't know what it actually is , or what it actually means .
    In,"The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe, alliteration is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says,"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before." It plays a large role because it gives special importance or prominence to something in speaking or writing. It emphasizes his depression towards the lost Lenore in that one line.

     In, "The incident in the Rose Garden," by Edgar Allan Poe, personification is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says "The gardener came running. An old man, out of breath. Fear has given him legs." It plays a large role because the gardener is frightened and running away from death. Personification is the device because fear cannot actually give someone legs.


     In "The Raven" By Edgar Allan Poe, Symbols and Motifs is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says, "Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door" (41). It plays a large role because he is saying that the raven looks like Athena who is the goddess of wisdom and war and has been through a lot of problems.

       In "The Incident in the Rose Garden" By Donald Justice, Irony is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says, "I take it you are be?" (50). It plays a large role because in the beginning we thought the gardener was the one that was gonna die, but it was his master.

Friday, October 25, 2013

"The Raven" and "The Incident In a Rose Garden" Narrative Elements

"The Raven"
                    In "The Raven" by Edgar Allen Poe, alliteration is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says, "And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain." It plays a large role because it's to repeat a particular sound in the prominent lifts of a sense of words or phrase.

 "The Incident In The Rose Garden"
                    In "The Incident In The Rose Garden" by Donald Justice, imagery is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says, "He had air of someone, who because he likes arriving at all appointments early learns to think himself patient. I watched him pinch one bloom off and hold it to his nose- A connoisseur of roses- One bloom and then another. They strewed the earth around him." It plays a large role because it's to add more depth to the scene.

"The Raven" and " The incident in the Rose Garden " Narrative Elements.

In " The Raven " By Edgar Allen Poe , repetition is the device that plays a larger role.  He uses it when he says , " Quoth the raven , " nevermore" . It plays a larger role because the raven keeps saying " nevermore".

In " The incident in the Rose Garden " By Edgar Allen Poe , situational irony is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says . " I take it you are he . " It plays a large role because what was expected to happen , didn't.

The Raven

                                     "The Raven" and " Incident in the Rose Garden" Summary's
 In "The Raven"By Edgar Allen Poe, Parallel Structure is the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says, " Ever yet was blessed with seeing bird above his chamber door-Bird or beast upon the sculpture bust above his chamber door." It plays a large role because it's explaining the sentence,but in different words.

 In "The Incident in the Rose Garden" by Donald Justice, Situational Irony its the device that plays a larger role. He uses it when he says "To show me to his master. I take it you are he?" It plays a large role because it is something that you expect to happen , but the opposite of what you expect.


almost everyone has been a victim of bullying as we all know this leads some people
to fall into depression, others commit suicide. In this photo this young girl is been clowed on by the
majority of the girls. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Abdi Nur

                                                                      The raven
          The Raven" follows an unnamed narrator on a night in December who sits reading "forgotten lore" as a way to forget the loss of his love, Lenore. A "rapping at [his] chamber door" reveals nothing, but excites his soul to "burning". A similar rapping, slightly louder, is heard at his window. When he goes to investigate, a raven steps into his chamber. Paying no attention to the man, the raven perches on a bust of Pallas above the door.


"The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe/ 1 Interesting fact About this poem

The poem "The raven" by Edgar Allan Poe was first published in January 1845. It is a narrative poem and is often noted for its musicality, styled language, and supernatural atmosphere. An interesting fact about this poem is that the whole poem is split into six sections and it basically tells the story of  a man that lost his true love. -Victor Aguirre
The poem has a lot of old language because instead of saying me they say thee which it is reasonable because the poem was written in the 1800 so it makes a lot of sense and I'm wondering what was the cause of his wife's death .

That is it!

Any posts entered after this will receive no credit. Great job to those who posted on time!!!
ms A

The Raven

  The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe is a very interesting poem. the most interesting thing  about the poem was in lines 13-18. when "And the silken, sad,uncertain rustling of each purple curtain thrilled me- filled me with fantastic terrors never felt befor;So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating;-"Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door;-Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door;-That it is and nothing more."This is an interesting part of this poem because he is thinking that the one knocking on his chamber door was his lost lenore.

The Raven

    Edgar Allan Poe wrote a poem called , "The Raven" , and it's very interesting .
But what I liked the most about it is when Nevermore was scared to open the door , and he was hoping it was a person and not a ghost . He said , "and so faintly you came in tapping , tapping at my chamber door , that scare was sure I heard you" . (line 22) That was the most interesting part to me .

Saturday, October 19, 2013

                                 "The Raven" 

The poem " The Raven"  is a lyrical narrative poem about a lover, identified as being a student who goes crazy questioning a bird about his lost love Lenore and only ever getting one answer “Nevermore." leaving the lover going off like a burning soul.  

"The Raven " interesting fact

The poem " The Raven " by Edgar Allen Poe ,  was published in 1845 and it tells how a talking

raven's mysterious visit to a distraught lover ,  making the man go into madness. He wrote the

poem trying to appeal to both critically and  popular tastes.  

"The Raven" fact (:

The Raven could signify two things, one dark and one light.

In darkness it could signify is the dark and depressing memory of the loss of Lenore, constantly reminding the writer that he shall never see his love again.

Edgar Allan Poe Fact

 "Edgar Allan Poe was 17 when he got accepted into University of Virginia, and managed to gamble all his scholarship money in his first year and was later kicked out." 

Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven"

Interesting facts about "The Raven" is "The narrator asks the raven what its name is. The raven answers, "Nevermore" (line 48). He then muses that "on the morrow he will leave" like everyone else in his life (line 59). Again, the raven answers with "Nevermore" (line 60). This is the only word the raven speaks to the narrator.
Eventually, the narrator begins to ask the raven about Lenore. When he asks if Lenore is in Heaven, the raven repeats, "Nevermore" (line 90). This angers the narrator who then yells "Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend!" (line 97). The raven does not move. The narrator realizes that the bird will never leave because it represents his memory of Lenore which will also never leave him." 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Don't forget to cite your sources!!!

If you are copying and pasting, make sure you put the content in quotation marks. Also, cut and paste the URL of the website you used!

On another note, if the fact you want to post is already posted by another student, you cannot post it. Also, if I discussed a fact in class, you cannot post it either.

The Raven


                        The Raven: Interesting Fact



           The lover, often identified as being a student, is lamenting the loss of his love, Lenore. Sitting on a bust of Pallas, the raven seems to further instigate his distress with its constant repetition of the word "Nevermore". The poem makes use of a number of folk and classical references.

Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" Facts

 One fact on this poem "The Raven" would be that the narrator catches on to this rather slowly and asks more and more questions, which get more hurtful
and personal. The Raven, though, doesn't change his story, and the poor speaker starts to lose his sanity.

Monday, October 14, 2013


This picture shows that a lot of people are saying mean things to the girl . It looks like she can't take it anymore . So people shouldn't really be mean to someone else because you don't know what the other person is going through . 


If your bullying someone it can cause them to do suicide.Then later you'll regret it, you might feel bad, then it might be too late to apoligize. It's better to accept a person for who he is. You don't want to be a person who ruined someones life and taking all the blame for it. So this is a reason why we should stop bullying.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Anti-bullying image

In this image, it shows the ugly duckling, a children story I sure many of us are familiar with. For those who don't, it's a story about these ducklings that hatch and one of the birds is different from the rest, this bird is dubbed 'the ugly duckling'. Since the ugly duckling was different, he was teased and bullied by all the other animals, but grows up to be a beautiful swan, which explained why he was different from all the other ducklings. The phrase in this image 'We're all different, but equal,' means that we all have something that sets us apart, some people may be smarter than others, maybe stronger than others, or better looking than others, but that doesn't mean they are on a higher bar than everyone else or you. People tend to forget that. We are all on the same playing field. Our lives may be different, we all have our problems to deal with, even so we should treat everyone with respect because we are all equal.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Anti-Bullying image and description -Victor Aguirre

In this image, as you can see is a bullying image. Many people around the world are being bullied over anything for no reason and it has not stopped until this day. In this image it shows a girl on the corner of a wall being stressed out and having suicidal thought because of all the things people have said that stay on her mind. This provokes stress and suicidal thoughts leading the person being bullied thinking there is not pint in living in life which then they commit suicide. This image also shows the color red so it describes a strong meaning in the words like blood. What they show us in this image is ethos and loaded language, and pathos because it shows how the words said can affect the girl and how she reacts upon these negative thoughts. Bullying is never the right thing to do and will mostly never have a stop unless we put our part into helping people out and SPEAKING UP!
-Victor Aguirre

Bullying Ad

 Children, Parents, Teenagers, even Elder people have been Bullied around the world. Because of bullying many people have been falling in depression, many people have been cutting them self's and people have committed suicide. All because of Bullying. In this picture it shows how this girl has been cyber bullied. Cyber Bullying when people send messages to people they dislike.

Anti-bullying ad .

In this picture is an example of bullying. The victim is saying stop because shes getting not only mentally but fiscally hurt. Some victims of bullying end up committing suicide or running away.They don't speak out because they are scared or threaten to get more hurt than they are. 

by Julieta Garcia 


The following image shows that bullying can also be said emotionally, not just physically. The picture and the names that they call the victim, it can hurt them emotionally and they can end up getting suicidal thoughts.

bullying ad (:

In this image it establishes and act of personification meaning as if the words were actully hurting physically but words can hurt emotionally and affect people in ways you cant imagine .In the text it saids "your words have power use the wisely" this explains that people should think before we speak and think about how our words would emtionally hurt others around us.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Anti-Bullying Advertisement

This is an anti-bullying advertisement for Cyber Mentors. It shows how words can affect others and how the words can be hurtful to someone. The words represents pills and it says mean words said to other people and how they want to kill themselves because of the hate.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Bullying Advertisement

This image is showing that words can hurt physically and emotionally. The words represent the thoughts he or she was called when he/she were being picked on by other people.

Bullying ad

This image shows how words can kill people not only emotionally but also physically. The words on the rope represent the thing his/her class mates have said to him and have damage him emotionally.
                                                             By: Juan Partida 

Friday, August 30, 2013

Advisement blog by Julieta Garcia

In this advisement is trying to make you see the difference of the iPhone 4S and the iPhone 5 . The reader would be feeling thoughtful of what phone would be better to buy . The reader also would think about the prize and which one would be better . It's also persuading you to buy it because of its technology or is looks . 

My goal for my freshman year . By Julieta Garcia

My goal for this year is to have good grades than last year . I think I'm able to have good grades. How am I gonna be able to do this is by doing all my work , pay attention in class , and asking questions . And if I do good I'm gonna be able to make my parents proud . 

" looking back " survey .

Who I interviewed was my aunt Ana Lopez . What she learned in high school was , how to be responsible and how to be on time , there were important because now she's using them as an adult , she learned them at school by turning in work and homework and by waking up early to be on time. If she had travel back in time she wouldn't change anything in her high school year because she had an amazing 4 years at sweetwater high school. The teacher she learned most from was Ms. Tyler because she thought her in banking class how to be responsible and how to be financial as an adult. The advice she would give for the students in order to have a good high school experience would be for students to learn everything you can from Math , English and History class because you would need them in college and in life.   

                                 " Looking back "Survey

                   The person I interviewed Was my uncle Henry.the first question I asked him what were two important things he learned in high school and why were they important.He said that he learned how to use computers by listening to his instructions . He said that it is important to learn computers because you could do homework on your computer and look up important things. Also he said the second important thing he learned in high school was how to communicate safely he said  it was important because you need to communicate more to people.

The second question I  asked him was if he could travel back in time ,what would he change-in your own behavior in the school itself-to make his high school experience better. He said he would be more involved in clubs are actives, and also to take more time in studying.

The third question I asked him was what teacher did he learn the most from and why do you think you learned that from him. He said his driver's ad teacher because he actually took time and explained his self.   

The forth question i asked him was what advice he would give to a student to help him/her have a good high school experience . He said to make good choices and to study more befor a test and be involved more with clubs are actives. 

Goal Blog

In this year my goal is to be more accurate in my grades. Also I want to pay attention more in class. In my believe I think that if I talk in class I work less and if I talk less I work more, so my goal is to work more. Also my goal for this year is to pay attention to teachers and don't talk back. Another goal that I have this year is to be doing my homework. My last goal is to have a good year.  :)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

In this advertisement they are using specific examples because they are giving you proof that radios are used more. They put TV's next to radios so it is more credible that radios are used more.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


In this photo the author is showing An Arthur's credibility  because they are using a well known Artist  To advertise their product  

Monday, August 26, 2013

This advertisement is using the devise fact to sell you this item. It show that when buying a marker without a refill extension it'l cause a mess when attempting to refill it with the refill ink. On the other hand when buying the marker with the refill extension or buying it separately it'll make the job of refilling the refillable marker a lot easier without all the mess.  
       Hello for my advertisement picture I thought this would be a perfect example for ethos. The reason why I chose this as my example is because, it's telling the audience to hurry up and buy this McDonalds product as fast as you can or else you'll miss out a lot. The quote says " don't stare too long you'll miss the train." This is the reason why I chose this picture as my example. 

        - Abdi Nur                          Ethos Advertisement

                    This advertisement is using facts explaining how using cigarette's will lead to a shorter life span do to health risk's of  smoking.



          I categorize this ad as facts and statistics. This ad shows a bar graph among 0-8 year olds on how much time they spend on something in a typical day.  I believe when the audience sees this, they will say that 70% of 0-8 year old kids spend a bunch of time watching T.V. and 69% of the young aged kids are either reading or getting read to.